Childcare at the Informatics Campus in Stellingen
Current situation
When it comes to organizing family life and job / university, it’s a big challenge. Deadlines pile up, your job or your courses require more and more flexibility in day-to-day planning. Not all parents need a permanent child care place in a kindergarten right after maternity leave. Often just a few child care slots are enough to enable parents to attend their lectures and seminars.
Kindergarten coupons are often not only expensive but also too inflexible for unexpected appointments and deadlines. Parents needing child care for a few hours only, are faced with the question of how to organize their daily routine.
One important factor is that child care should take place in a familiar environment, where the child feels safe and happy and where especially tiny tots know that their mums and dads are close by.
Location of childcare centre
The Child Care is accommodated at the Campus Stellingen (Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30, 22527 Hamburg) in premises provided in House C and designed for this specific purpose by the Department of Informatics with generous support of the MIN-Faculty.
The rooms are decorated in a style that is at the same time stimulating and soothing. The child can either get busy with his or her surroundings or quietly snuggle down on his own.
Opening hours
You can book care slots during the university term Monday to Friday between 8 am and 8 pm.
After registration is completed, the opening hours are adapted to suit parents’ individual requirements.
The duration of the care slots is regulated to match the actual working hours of the carer’s tour.
Time Frame
We offer child care on a scale of 2 to a maximum 10 hours per week per child.
- there are on maximum 5 time slots per week per child
- one time slot is equivalent to 2 hours (8-10 am) / 10-12 am / 12 am-2 pm / 2- 4 pm / 4-6 pm / 6-8 pm)
- the time slots can be adjusted for practically any day of the week and any time of day
Short term child care is currently only available during the university term. After close consultation with parents it may soon be possible to offer child care during vacation.
One time slot for child care (2 hrs) costs:
- 3.00 € for students
- 6.00 € for employees
If a time slot is booked for the entire duration of term (14 weeks), the costs are reduced to:
- 35.00 € for students
- 70.00 € for employees
Students should always produce their student’s identity card or certificate of matriculation in order to pay the reduced price. Parents who are more than 15 minutes late in picking up their child will be required to pay the costs for a further time slot.
For Parents
Please note that the family room is open to all parents outside of business hours! There is scope for playing games, nappy changing or having a quiet sleep! Please contact us for more details!
Parents are welcome to come and view the kindergarten rooms.
Appointments for viewing may be arranged with the child carer or with Mr. Christian Späh.
Educational staff and educational focus
Qualified staff will on a guaranteed basis take care of the children for approximately 20 hours per week. The child carer will treat the children in her charge in a responsible, caring and stimulating way. The kind of child care provided will take into account the individual needs of each child. The range of activities in the group will depend largely on the age level of the children: e.g. active games, building blocks, singing nursery rhymes or listening to stories etc.