Ethics Commission
The local Ethics Commission of the Department of Informatics (Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences of Universität Hamburg) comments on request on the ethical tenability of research projects involving humans as well as research projects including personal data.
Every student and member of the Department of Informatics within the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences of Universität Hamburg can apply for an ethics vote. Submitting an application is particularly recommended for experiments which involve potential risks for the participants, or for studies in which participants are not entirely informed about the purpose and procedure of the study. Applications may be submitted at any time. However, please note the deadlines by which applications must be received in order to be dealt with at the upcoming meetings!
Please complete this basic questionnaire.
- If you can answer all boxes with "no", you do not need to consult the Ethics Commission. Please store the completed questionnaire with your project documentation.
- In case you tick one or more boxes with "yes", please send the completed basic questionnaire and also the additional questionnaire "Ethics Assessment Form" as well as other relevant information (e.g. questionnaires, informed consent document) on your study to the Ethics Commission by e-mail: ethikkommission"AT"
- Please note that the members of the Ethics Commission have access to the communication sent to the forwarding address
Information and Consent Document
For each experiment or study involving human participants, it is required to provide an informed consent document containing all information participants need to make a decision to volunteer for a particular research study. The following information and consent form could serve as a template for such an informed consent document: template [pdf]
Research Ethics Workshop
Students and staff of the Department of Informatics at UHH can additionaly inform themselves with this online-workshop about the procedures, requirements and materials needed for an ethics assessment. The workshop provides help and guidance regarding ethical issues emerging in computer science research. On the UHH Informatics intranet (VPN access required!), the access details for this workshop are available and can be called up at any time.
The work of the Ethics Commission underlies the legal requirements of data protection of Universität Hamburg as well as the WMA Declaration of Helsinki, the ethical guidelines of the German Informatics Society and the ethischen Richtlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie e.V., each in their current version.
Scheduled meetings
FAQ Ethics Commission [pdf]