Research Groups
See the list of research groups (abbreviated) below.
For information on key activities of the research groups please go to research.
For information on current professorial staff please go to people.
Complex Systems Engineering (CSE)
- Theoretical Informatics (ART)
- Databases and Information Systems (DBIS)
- Distributed Operating Systems (DOS)
- Information Systems Design and Gender Perspective (ITG)
- IT-Management and Consulting (ITMC)
- Applied Software Technology (MAST)
- Computer Networks (NET)
- Security in Distributed Systems (SVS)
- Software Development and Software Construction Methods (SWK)
- Theory of Efficient Algorithms (TEA)
- Information Systems, Socio-Technical System Design (WISTS)
Former Groups
- Applied and Social-orientieted Informatics (ASI)
- Image Processing (BV)
- Computer Science Education (CSEd)
- Interactive Media Virtual Environments (IMVE)
- Cognitive Systems (KOGS)
- Modeling and Simulation (MBS)
- Natural Language Systems (NATS)
- Scene Analysis und Visualization (SAV)
- Software Engineering and Software Architecture (SWA)
- Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science (TGI)
- Telecommunication and Computer Networks (TKRN)
- Distributed Systems (VSYS)
- Knowledge and Language Processing (WSV)
- Scientific Visualization and Parallel Processing (WVP)