The Hamburger Informatik-Technologie-Center e.V. (HITeC)
The research activities at the Department of Computer Science cover a wide range of areas, cooperating with partners from science and industry. HITeC is the department’s center for Research and Technological Transfer.
The Hub of Computing and Data Science (HCDS) (Scientific Director: Prof. Dr. Chris Biemann), as a central institution of the University of Hamburg, supports the interdisciplinary research and use of innovative digital methods together with partners from science and industry in the metropolitan region. At the same time, it coordinates and supports the implementation of digitization strategy in research at the University of Hamburg. In the Science City Bahrenfeld (SCB) and at various other locations in Hamburg, it provides a low-threshold entry into the use and research of digital methods in the Method Competence Center and offers various disciplines and projects in the Cross-Disciplinary Labs a forum for the exchange of information and collaboration at the interface between methodological sciences and their users in scientific research.
Due to its independent status, HITeC can provide highly flexible, professionally designed solutions for cooperation. These solutions are based on the very latest research data and therefore offer the advantage of highly superior technology.
HITeC is a registered association, financed by members of the Department of Computer Science. The incorporated association is linked to the University of Hamburg by means of a cooperative contract.
Please visit the website HITeC
The principal tasks of HITeC entail:
- User-oriented Research ventures
- the dissemination of Research data
- Offering seminars and advanced training courses
- Acting as a mediator for establishing contact between firms, students and the Department of Computer Science
- Optimization of practice-based higher education at the university level
- Offer of university grants and support for the purpose of founding businesses
Forms of cooperation
The firms may interact with HITeC or with the Department of Computer Science in a variety of ways. Most significant herein are the stated objectives of our various partners in cooperation. The following are possible:
- Contract research
- Cooperation projects
- Surveys
- Seminars
- Mentoring
- On-going project support
A major prerequisite of all forms of cooperation is that these contain a relevant part of research. Many of our projects are sponsored by e.g. the European Union, various Federal Bodies (e.g. BMBF, BMWI) as well as the Hamburg Innovation Trust.
HITeC’s activities may be classified according to the following project areas:
- Distributed Systems Lab
- Intelligent Systems
- Software Engineering
- Logistic Simulation
- IT Security
- Information Systems
- Individual Projects