Prospective students
Activities for pupils
The department of Informatics encourages all prospective students to consider an informatics degree program.
Informatik ist genau mein Ding (Audio)
Informatik studieren (Maya Herrscher)
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion studieren (Sarah Reinhart)
Wirtschaftsinformatik studieren (Larissa Gebken)
Informatik für Lehramt studieren (Moritz Kreinsen)
There are numerous information events. In particular the "Girls' Day" takes place annually in the spring with more than 80 pupils. In the Hamburg Fall Break a week-long "Taster" with 4-5 different projects is offered to pupils in grades 9-13.
Slides from "Schnupperstudium" 2024 (Dagmar Schacht / Johannes Göbel, in German, PDF)
Are you interested in an informatics degree at the University of Hamburg?
The portal MIN-Check Informatik offers you an opportunity to get a realistic impression of the various fields in informatics. Look around and search different areas, here you can find important information in the form of quizzes, interviews and statements about studying. informatics Note: This portal provides an insight into the study at the Department of Informatics. The study programs of the Informatics department can be found on our website. Or have a look at the full list of programs available at the MIN faculty.
Consultancy on the informatics campus
Regularly school classes come shortly before graduation to the informatics campus to personally discuss and collect information about the informatics degree programs before deciding to study.
Future Prospects Day for Girls (Girls' Day)
On the Girls' Day pupils of lower and middle school level solve independently tasks in mini-projects in various areas of informatics and experience a day at the university. Sign up and get more info at
Taster Informatics
As part of their project week pupils spend a week with intensive work on an informatics project on our campus. This so-called Taster offers:
- participation (no prior knowledge of informatics required) in a week-long informatics project,
- participation in an informatics lecture,
- personal encounters with academic staff, students and professional working computer scientists and
- participation in project presentations and demonstrations
In addition to project work in groups of about 10 students lectures and individual counseling is offered. In addition, demonstrations of research topics and participation in a selected lecture and an overview of the study program is given by informatics students. The project tasks are programming, creating films, programming robots or creating a web application. Sign up and get more info at Taster Informatics
Taster Computing in Science
During the holidays pupils can check out the CIS Taster on bioinformatics, chemistry computer science and physics computer science and participate in workshops. Click here for the Taster Computing in Science at the Center for Bioinformatics.