Kolloquium SoSe 2024

Dr. Ali Abbasi
CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Wann: Mo, 08.04.2024, 16:15 Uhr
Wo: Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal (Raum B-201)
A Journey Into Securing Embedded Systems
Sprache: English
From critical infrastructure to consumer electronics, embedded systems are all around us. Like any computer, embedded systems have vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. This talk will take us on a journey toward securing embedded systems. We start the talk by providing an overview of our past research on designing security mitigations for real-time and resource-constrained embedded systems. The next step is diving into ways to discover security vulnerabilities in embedded systems. We specifically look into fuzzing for resource-constrained embedded systems. We then discuss future approaches to fuzzing high-end embedded systems. High-end embedded systems often come with complex software and are heavily protected with Intellectual Property (IP) protection. We will discuss how a side-channel-based approach could help us to test such embedded systems. To end our talk, we will look into possible extensions of our software security approaches to other domains, such as space-borne systems.
Dr. Ali Abbasi is a faculty at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. Previously, he was a Post-Doc researcher at the Chair of System Security at Ruhr-University Bochum. His research interests include embedded systems security, security of mission-critical real-time systems, and secure space and automotive systems. He lead the Embedded Security group at CISPA, which develops and implements new methods to protect embedded systems against various classes of attacks, both on the hardware and firmware.