Prof. Dr. Ralf MöllerIntellectics: The Science of AI
8. Juli 2024

Wir begrüßen am Montag, 08.07.2024, um 16:15 Uhr Prof. Dr. Ralf Möller vom Institute of Humanities-Centered AI (CHAI) zu einem Vortrag zum Thema "IIntellectics: The Science of AI".
Prof. Dr. Ralf Möller
Institute of Humanities-Centered AI (CHAI), Universität Hamburg
Wann: Mo, 08.07.2024, 16:15 Uhr
Wo: Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal (Raum B-201)
Intellectics: The Science of AI
Sprache: English
Starting from a formalization of the main research goals of artificial intelligence (AI) using information and probability theory, the talk will show how our research on (dynamic and causal) probabilistic relational models, combined with pretrained embedding-based models, can contribute to the design of agents that (i) can handle non-trivial task descriptions and (ii) can appropriately interact with humans (and other agents) in so-called social mechanisms. With social mechanisms as a central topic of humanities-centered AI, the talk also tries to shed light on where and how AI regulation can be sensibly applied in the future.
Ralf Möller is Full Professor of Artificial Intelligence in Humanities and heads the Institute of Humanities-Centered AI (CHAI) at Universität Hamburg. His main research area is artificial intelligence, in particular probabilistic relational modeling techniques and natural language technologies for information systems as well as machine learning and data mining for decision making of agents in social mechanisms. Ralf Möller is co-speaker of the Section for Artificial Intelligence of the German Informatics Society. He is also an affiliated professor at DFKI zu Lübeck, a branch of Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligence with several sites in Germany. DFKI is responsible for technology transfer of AI research results into industry and society.
Before joining the Universität Hamburg in 2024, Ralf Möller was Full Professor for Computer Science and headed the Institute of Information Systems at Universität zu Lübeck. In Lübeck he was also the head of the research department Stochastic Relational AI in Heathcare at DFKI. In his earlier carrier, Ralf Möller also was Associate Professor for Computer Science at Hamburg University of Technology from 2003 to 2014. From 2001 to 2003 he was Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Wedel/Germany. In 1996 he received the degree Dr. rer. nat. from Universität Hamburg and successfully submitted his Habilitation thesis in 2001 also at Universität Hamburg.
Professor Möller was co-organizer of several national and international workshops on humanities-centered AI as well as on description logics. He also was co-organizer of the European Lisp Symposium 2011. In 2019, he co-chaired the organization of the International Conference on Big Knowledge ICBK19 in Beijing, and he is co-organizing the conference "Artificial Intelligence" KI2021 in Berlin with colleagues Stefan Edelkamp and Elmar Rueckert. Prof. Möller was an Associate Editor for the Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems, member of the Editorial Board of the Journal on Big Data Research, as well as Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet Reviewer.