- Walther v. Hahn, "Vagueness and Precision of Historical Objects in Digital Humanities", invited talk at the University of Pavia, 6th March 2018 (pdf)
- Cristina Vertan, "A machine-aided investigation of reliability of historical facts in 18th century documents", invited talk at the University of Pavia, 6th March 2018 (pdf)
- Cristina Vertan, "Annotation and Analysis of historical texts", invited talk at the University of Lyon II, France (pdf)
- Cristina Vertan, "Digitale Methoden zur Analyse von Zuverlässigkeit , Konsistenz und Vagheit in historischen Texten", presentation at the Digital Humanities Colloqium University of Hamburg, Germany (pdf)
- Cristina Vertan, "Multilevel Annotation of Historical Documents", presentation at the Conference Digital Humanities Budapest, Hungary, 28th May 2018 (pdf)
- Cristina Vertan, "Semi-automatic Multilevel Annotation of Vagueness in Historical Texts", presentation at the Digital Humanities Sheffield, U.K, 7th September 2018 (pdf)
- Cristina Vertan, "Generating Complex Big Data through Annotations in Digital Humanities", presentation at the Sysposium "Complexity of Big Data in Humanities and Social Sciences" organised by CEFREEA, Bucharest, Romania, 15th September 2018 (pdf)
- Cristina Vertan, "A framework for annotating and interpreting vagueness in historical documents", presentation at the Conference El Manuscript 2018, Vienna and Krems, Austria, 16th Spetember 2018 (pdf)
- Alptug Güney, Cristina Vertan, "Erfassung und Vernetzung der historischen Orten und Personen in den historischen Texten - eine exemplarische Studie zum Werk Dimitrie Cantemirs- ", presentation at the Symposium Digitales Kulturerbe, Zürich and Brugg, Switzerland, September 2018 (pdf)
- Cristina Vertan, "Combining digital and hermeneutic approaches for investigating source quotations in early modern historical texts", presentation at the Syposium Digital Hermeneutics organised by the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 25th October 2018 (pdf)
- Ioana Costa, Altug Güney, Walther v. Hahn, Cristina Vertan, "Dimitrie Cantermir's historical heritage: a digital analysis of his international discourse and quotation style", presentation at the INTELLIT Confernence organised by the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, 7th December 2018 (pdf)
- Ioana Costa, Anca Dinu, Cristina Vertan, "HerCoRe - Hermeneutic and Computer-based Analysis of Reliability, Consistency and Vagueness in historical texts -illustrated through two main works of Diitrie Cantemir", presentation at the kick-off meeting organised by the Volkswagen Foundation Hannover, Germany, 29th May 2017 (pdf)
- Cristina Vertan, "HerCoRe - Hermeneutic and Computer-based Analysis of Reliability, Consistency and Vagueness in historical texts -illustrated through two main works of Diitrie Cantemir", invited talk at the Uiversity of Granada, Spain, 11th May 2017 (pdf)
- Walther v. Hahn, "Representing and Processing Vague Data from Humanities", invited talk at the Uiversity of Granada, Spain, 11th May 2017 (pdf)
- Cristina Vertan, Walther v. Hahn, "On the Annotation and Interpretation of Vague Assertions in Historical Texts", presentation at the Digital Cultural Heritage DCH-2017, Berlin, Germany, 30th August 2017 (pdf)
- Anca Dinu, Cristina Vertan, Walther v. Hahn, "On the annotation of vague expresions a case study on Romanian historical texts", presentation at the RANLP Workshop "Language Technology for Digital Humanities in Central and south-Eastern Europe", Varna, Bulgaria, 9th September 2017 (pdf)
- Cristina Vertan, "Analysing Big Data in Social History", presentation at the Conference Big Data in Social Sciences and Humanities, organised by CEFREEA, Bucharest, Romania, 23rd September 2017 (pdf)
- Walther v. Hahn, "Vagueness-the neglected feature in Big Data", presentation at the Conference Big Data in Social Sciences and Humanities, organised by CEFREEA, Bucharest, Romania, 23rd September 2017 (pdf)
- Cristina Vertan, "Vague expressions in Dimitrie Cantemir's historical works - a computer-aided approach", presentation at the Symposium "Literatura Principilor", organised by the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, 25th November 2017 (pdf)