Informatics Library
Overdue Fees starting April 17, 2021
31 March 2021
Photo: infbib
Starting April 17, 2021, late fees will be charged again.
The loan period of your borrowed books has expired or is about to end? Then you have received a reminder email from us that you must return your books by April 16, 2021.
Contactless returns are available to students and members of the university at our library by prior appointment reservation.
All non-university members please return the media to the Hamburg State and University Library (Von-Melle-Park 3).
Detailed information can be found on our website at #COVID-19.
For questions, renewals, etc. you can reach us by mail (infbib-ausleihe.inf"AT" Mon-Fri between 9-15 by phone at 040 42883 2215.