Kolloquium SoSe 2019
Dr. Rahel Bekele
Addis Ababa University
When: Mo, 13.05.2019, at 13:15
Where: Room F-334
Technology Enabled Maternal and Child Health Care in Rural Ethiopia: Experience from the TEMACC project
Language: English
Technology Enabled Maternal and Child Health Care (TEMACC – Ethiopia) is a research project that aims to explore the potential of information and communication technologies (ICT) for rural development particularly to improve healthcare access and quality for mothers and children in rural communities. It is an interdisciplinary effort by professionals from the ICT fields together with specialists from public health and medicine.
The objective is to develop an appropriate ICT-based service platform, which enables
- rural mothers to receive public health related information;
- rural health extension workers to receive health education online or on their mobile devices by interacting with a specialist elsewhere;
- rural health officers to collaborate and consult health experts.
The major technology platforms explored for use are: mobile phones, tablets and web based systems. The underlying research questions relate to whether there can be a significant improvement in maternal and child health care practices of rural communities using information and communication technologies. The research approach employed is participatory action research with direct participation and active collaboration of the user community.
The talk/presentation focuses on the description of major activities carried out in respect of the requirements study, field research activities, prototype-based requirements design, ethnographic based requirements study and the software components that are deployed during the intervention study.
Rahel Bekele Teklegiorgis, from Ethiopia, is a guest researcher at the University of Hamburg, Department of Informatik. She is an associate professor at the School of Information Science, at Addis Ababa University. She obtained in December 2005 her Dr. rer. nat. in Computer Science from the Department of Informatik, Universität Hamburg.
Since 2010 Rahel has been actively engaged in ICT for Development research projects particularly on design and development of technology platforms for rural women. She is currently the principal investigator and leader of the project entitled "Technology Enabled Maternal and Child Health Care (TEMACC-Ethiopia)" funded by the Austrian Government. With the TEMACC project she and her team hope to realize the potentials of ICT to positively impact the lives of rural women in Ethiopia.
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Schirmer
Vortrag bei Lecture2Go
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