Courses frequently offered by WSV
Bachelor / Diplom
- Lecture IKON 1: Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction (Winter, until 2014/15)
- Lecture + Exercises FGI 1: Theoretical Foundations of Informatics 1 (Summer, until 2014)
- Lecture + Exercises GWV: Knowledge-based Systems (Winter, until 2012/13)
- (HCI-)Praktikum Rule-based Programming (Summer, until 2014)
Bachelor / Master / Diplom
- Lecture + Exercises Semantic Language Processing / Computerlinguistics 2 (Summer, until 2014)
- Research seminar (Winter, Summer, until 2015)
Master / Diplom
- Lecture FGI 3 - Mathematical Logic (Winter, until 2014/15)
- Lecture Knowledge Processing (Winter, until 2014/15)
- Seminar Knowledge Processing (Winter, until 2014/15)
- Lecture Language Processing (Summer, until 2015)
- Seminar Language Processing (Summer, until 2015)