ARK – Axiomatics of Spatial Concepts
Project in the DFG Priorirty Program Spatial Cognition
The investigation of spatial concepts is a central part of the research on spatial cognition. One aspect of its fundamental role is that the lack of a clear specification of the concepts the research is based on is a prevalent problem for interpreting specific empirical results and communicating across research groups. The project on Formal Specification of Spatial Concepts and Spatial Structures attacks this problem by investigating the different options of specifying spatial concepts by formal means. The study of concept systems focusses on the semantic interrelations between the embedded concepts. The axiomatic method is the methodological background for the formal characterizations. The goal is a systematic formalization of inventories of spatial concepts that serve as a basis to describe the phenomena of spatial cognition and the results of empirical investigations in this field. The empirical basis of the research is the semantics of natural language expressions relating to space. Besides the conception of the structure of space the investigations concern aspects of the spatial structure of other domains that are reflected by the applicability of spatial language in these domains.
- Christopher Habel
- Carola Eschenbach
- Lars Kulik
- Annette Leßmöllmann
- Ladina Tschander
- Hedda Schmidtke