Carola Eschenbach
- Formal theories of basic properties and relations
- Mereology (formal theory of the part-of relation and its conceptual relatives overlap, disjointness and sum (fusion))
- Mereotopology (formalization of topologic structures on the basis of mereology) and similar accounts for modelling being a whole and concepts of integrity
- Semantics of natural language (lexical semantics and compositionality)
- Syntax and semantics of count phrases and measure phrases (three liters of wine, three head of cattle, three herds of cattle, length of twenty meters)
- Formalisation of spatial concepts
- Frames of reference in natural language and their formalisations
- Representation of spacial dynamics and trajectories of movement
- Formal, Artificial and Natural Ontology (German version only)
- Verbal and Multi-modale Route Descriptions (German version only)
- Discourse and Event Structures (German version only)
- ARK – Axiomatics of Spatial Concepts (DFG, funding period 1996-2002)
- GAP – Processes of Grouping and Delimitation (German version only) (DFG, funding period 1987-1993)
- International Research Training Group CINACS (DFG, funding period 2006-2015)
- Priority Program Spatial Cognition (DFG, funding period 1996-2002)
- GrkK – Graduate Program Cognitive Science (German version only) (DFG, funding period 1990-2000)