Prof. Dr. Christopher Habel
- Representation of Spatial and Temporal Knowledge
- Language Understanding and Language Production
- Multi-modality
- Auditiv-haptischer Zugang zu räumlich-graphischen Repräsentationen (German version only)
- Multimodal Comprehension of Language and Graphics
- Verbal and Multi-modale Route Descriptions (German version only)
- Discourse and Event Structures (German version only)
- ConcEv – Conceptualizing Processes in Language Production (DFG, funding period 1997-2003)
- ARK – Axiomatics of Spatial Concepts (DFG, funding period 1996-2002)
- Texte – Non-vervbal Cognition and Text Understanding (German version only) (DFG, funding period 1994-1999)
- Synphonics (German version only) (DFG, funding period 1993-1995)
- GAP – Processes of Grouping and Delimitation (German version only) (DFG, funding period 1987-1993)
- LILOG-Space (IBM, funding period 1986-1991)
- International Research Training Group CINACS (DFG, funding period 2006-2015)
- Priority Program Language Production (DFG, funding period 1997-2003)
- Priority Program Spatial Cognition (DFG, funding period 1996-2002)
- GrkK – Graduate Program Cognitive Science (German version only) (DFG, funding period 1990-2000)
Curriculum Vitae
- Habilitation, Computer Science, Technische Universität Berlin, 1985
- Dr. phil. Linguistics (PhD), Universität Osnabrück, 1979
- Dipl-Math. (MSc, Major: mathematics, Minor: Linguistics), Georg-August Universitat Göttingen, 1975
- Professor retired, Universität Hamburg, since October 2015
- Full Professor of Computer Science (Chair: Language and Knowledge Processing), Department of Informatics, Universität Hamburg, 1986-2015
- Adjunct Professor of Linguistics, Fachbereich Sprache, Literatur, Medien, Universität Hamburg, 1988-2015
- Visiting Associate Professor, Computational Linguistics, Universität Trier, 1984-1986
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Technische Universität Berlin, 1983-1986
- Habilitation-Fellow (funded by DFG / German Research Council) Technische Universität Berlin, 1981–1983
- Senior Research Scientist, Dept. of Computer Science, Technische Universität Berlin, 1978-1981
- Research Scientist, Dept. of Computer Science, Technische Universität Berlin, 1976-1978
- Graduate fellowship (Graduiertenstipendium), University of Osnabrück, 1975–1976
- Habilitation-Fellowship, DFG (German Research Council), 1981–1983
Research Projects and Research Coordination
- Räumliche Ausdrücke des Deutschen (Spatial expression in German), project in the IBM-Germany financed consortium LILOG (Linguistic and Logic methods and tools), 1981–1983.
- Gruppierungs- und Abgrenzungsprozesse beim Aufbau sprachlich angeregter mentaler Modelle (GAP / Processes of grouping and separating in linguistically induced mental models), Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of the Priority Program Kognitive Linguistik (Cognitive Linguistics), 1987–1992
- Graduiertenkolleg Kognitionswissenschaft (Doctoral Program in Cognitive Science). Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), Principal applicant and head of the Doctoral Program) 1990–2000
- Research Group Mental Models in Discourse Processing Center for interdisciplinary research (ZiF) at the University of Bielefeld [Joint co-ordination with Prof. Dr. Gert Rickheit, Bielefeld] 1992–1993
- „Sprachproduktion: von konzeptueller Struktur und Kontext zur prosodischen Realisierung der Bedeutung (SYNPHONICS / Language production: from conceptual structures to prosodic realization of meaning), Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of the Priority Program Kognitive Linguistik (Cognitive Linguistics) 1993–1995
- Die Funktion nicht-sprachlicher Repräsentationen, insbesondere räumlicher und visueller Vorstellungen, für das Textverstehen (TEXTE / Function of non-verbal representations in text comprehension), Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) [Joint project with Prof. Dr. Stephanie Kelter, Berlin], 1994–1999
- Priority Program Spatial Cognition (Raumkognition). Funded by the German Research Council (DFG). [Co-initiator and Member of the coordination committee with: Prof. Dr. W. Brauer, München; Prof. Dr. Ch. Freksa, Hamburg; Prof. Dr. K. Wender, Trier)]. 1995–2002
- Formale Spezifikation von räumlichen Konzepten und Strukturen mit Definitionen und axiomatischen Charakterisierungen (ARK / Axiomatic characterization of spatial concepts). Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of the Priority Program Spatial Cognition (Raumkognition). [Joint project with Dr. Carola Eschenbach, Hamburg]. 1996–2002
- Priority Program Sprachproduktion, (Priority Program Language Production). Mitinitiator (Co-initiator with: Prof. Dr. W. Hoeppner, Duisburg; Prof. Dr. T. Pechmann, Leipzig; Prof. Dr. A. Steube, Leipzig); [Joint co-ordination with Prof. Dr. T. Pechmann, Leipzig] 1996–2003.
- Konzeptualisierungsprozesse in der Sprachproduktion: Eine empirisch fundierte Modellierung an Hand der Produktion von Ereignisbeschreibungen. (ConcEv / Conceptualizing events in producing language), Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of the Priority Program Sprachproduktion (Language Production). 1997–2004
- International research training group Cross-modal Interaction in Natural and Artificial Cognitive Systems (CINACS), Universität Hamburg and Tsinghua University, Beijing. Funded by the German Research Foundation, DFG, and the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. 2006-2015.
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) at the Universität Bielefeld, 2003-2015
- Founding head of the BSc Program Human-Computer-Interaction at the Department of Computer Science, Universität Hamburg. 2009-2014.
Involvement in Doctoral Examinations and Habilitation Procedures
- Hans-Joachim Novak (Doctorate, 1986), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Helmar Gust (Doctorate, 1987), TU Berlin, FB Informatik, Co-Supervisor with H.-J. Schneider
- Michael Eimermacher (Doctorate, 1988), TU Berlin, FB Informatik, Co-Supervisor with H.-J. Schneider
- Kai von Luck (Habilitation, 1989), TU Berlin, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Ipke Wachsmuth (Habilitation, 1989), Univ. Osnabrück, FB Mathematik/Informatik, Reviewer
- Werner Emde (Doctorate, 1990), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Michael Gerlach (Doctorate, 1990), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Oskar Dressler (Doctorate, 1990), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Lorenz M. Hilty (Doctorate, 1991), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Michael Mohnhaupt (Doctorate, 1991), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Co-Supervisor with B. Neumann
- Klaus Rehkämper (Doctorate, 1991), Univ. Hamburg, FB Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften, Co-Supervisor with W. Künne
- Christoph Schlieder (Doctorate, 1991), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Simone Pribbenow (Doctorate, 1991), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Franco di Primio (Doctorate, 1991), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Karl Schlechta (Habilitation, 1992), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Mentor, Reviewer, Committee
- Longin Latecki (Doctorate, 1992), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Shirin Bakhtari (Doctorate, 1992), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Claus Brillowski (Doctorate, 1992), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Co-Supervisor with M. Kudlek
- Achim Preuß (Doctorate, 1992), Univ. Hamburg, FB Psychologie, Reviewer
- Carlo Misiak (Doctorate, 1992), Univ. der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Fachbereich Pädagogik, Reviewer
- Cao Yong (Doctorate, 1992), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Daniel Hernandez (Doctorate, 1992), Institut für Informatik, TU München, Reviewer
- Wolfgang Heydrich (Habilitation, 1993), Univ. Hamburg, FB Sprachwissenschaften, Reviewer, Committee
- Helmar Gust (Habilitation, 1993), Univ. Osnabrück, FB Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Reviewer
- Carola Eschenbach (Doctorate, 1993), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Hartmut Freitag (Doctorate, 1993), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Peter Gerstl (Doctorate, 1994), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Constanze Clauser (Doctorate, 1994), Univ. Hamburg, FB Psychologie, Co-Supervisor with R. Kluwe
- Andrea Schopp (Doctorate, 1994), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Claudia Maienborn (Doctorate, 1994), Univ. Hamburg, FB Sprachwissenschaften, Main Supervisor
- Annette Tschernig (Doctorate, 1994), Univ. Hamburg, FB Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften, Co-Supervisor with W. Künne
- Martin Weigele (Doctorate, 1994), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Bianka Buschbeck-Wolf (Doctorate, 1994), Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät für Philosophie, Co-Supervisor with H. Kamp
- Jutta Kreyß (Doctorate, 1994), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Joachim Hertzberg (Habilitation, 1995), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Committee
- Gerd Graßhoff (Habilitation, 1995), Univ. Hamburg, FB Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften, Reviewer, Committee
- Joachim Diederich (Habilitation, 1995), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Committee
- Erich Rome (Doctorate, 1995), Univ. Bremen, FB Mathematik/Informatik, Reviewer
- Thomas Jokerst (Doctorate, 1995), Univ. Hamburg, FB Sprachwissenschaften, Reviewer
- Ulrich Piepenburg (Doctorate, 1995), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Gitta Wilke (Doctorate, 1995), Univ. Hamburg, FB Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften, Reviewer
- Martin Böttcher (Doctorate, 1995), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Longin Jan Latecki (Habilitation, 1996), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Mentor, Reviewer, Committee
- Thomas J. Schult (Doctorate, 1996), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Co-Supervisor with H. Spada (Psychologie Univ. Freiburg)
- Carsten Günther (Doctorate, 1996), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Emile van der Zee (Doctorate, 1996), Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Dept. Psychonomics, Reviewer, Committee
- Ulrich Pardey (Habilitation, 1997), Univ. Hamburg, FB Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften, Committee
- Michael May (Doctorate, 1997), Univ. Hamburg, FB Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften, Co-Supervisor with G. Graßhoff
- Heike Tappe (Doctorate, 1997), Univ. Hamburg, FB Sprachwissenschaften, Co-Supervisor with J. Meisel (FB Sprachwissenschaften)
- Dagmar Knorr (Doctorate, 1997), Univ. Hamburg, FB Sprachwissenschaften, Main Supervisor
- Günther Knoblich (Doctorate, 1997), Univ. Hamburg, FB Psychologie, Co-Supervisor with D. Rhenius
- Maria Goldbach (Doctorate, 1997), Univ. Hamburg, FB Sprachwissenschaften, Co-Supervisor with J. Meisel
- Stefan Haar (Doctorate, 1997), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Co-Supervisor with R. Valk
- Stefan Pohlmann (Doctorate, 1997), Univ. der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Fachbereich Pädagogik, Co-Supervisor with R. Kluwe
- Soenke Ziesche (Doctorate, 1997), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Christoph Schlieder (Habilitation, 1998), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Mentor, Reviewer, Committee
- Maria Pilar Larrañaga (Doctorate, 1998), Univ. Hamburg, FB Sprachwissenschaften, Reviewer
- Kai-Uwe Carstensen (Doctorate, 1998), Univ. Osnabrück, FB Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Co-Supervisor with C. Rollinger
- Ralf Klabunde (Habilitation, 1999), Ruprecht-Karl-Universität, Heidelberg, Neuphilologische Fakultät, Reviewer
- Mark May (Habilitation, 1999), Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Fachbereich Pädagogik, Reviewer, Committee
- Djelloul Aroui (Doctorate, 1999), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Barbara Kaup (Doctorate, 1999), Techn. Univ. Berlin, Inst. für Psychologie, Co-Supervisor with S. Kelter
- Bernd Farwer (Doctorate, 2000), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Michael Oliva Cordoba (Doctorate, 2000), Univ. Hamburg, FB Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften, Co-Supervisor with W. Künne
- Annette von Wolff (Doctorate, 2000), Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Fachbereich Pädagogik, Reviewer
- Holden Härtl (Doctorate, 2000), Universität Leipzig, Philosophische Fakultät, Reviewer
- Bruce Mayo (Doctorate, 2000), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Co-Supervisor with C. Schwarze (Univ. Konstanz)
- Claudia Ruff (Doctorate, 2000), Technische Universität Braunschweig, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Reviewer
- Mark Tuan Viet Tu (Doctorate, 2000), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Ralf Möller (Habilitation, 2001), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer, Committee
- Volker Haarslev (Habilitation, 2001), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer, Committee
- Jan Christoph Meister (Habilitation, 2001), Univ. Hamburg, FB Sprachwissenschaften, Reviewer, Committee
- Mark Textor (Habilitation, 2001), Univ. Hamburg, FB Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften, Reviewer, Committee
- Thomas Mantay (Doctorate, 2001), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Jana Holsanova (Doctorate, 2001), Lund University, Sweden, Dept. of Cognitive Science, Opponent
- Annette Leßmöllmann (Doctorate, 2002), Univ. Hamburg, FB Sprachwissenschaften, Main Supervisor
- Ingo Schröder (Doctorate, 2002), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Lars Kulik (Doctorate, 2002), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Markus Guhe (Doctorate, 2003), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Hedda R. Schmidtke (Doctorate, 2004), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Jose Vicente Santos Mendes (Doctorate, 2005), Univ. Hamburg, FB Sprachwissenschaften, Main Supervisor
- Thomas Wolbers (Doctorate, 2005), Univ. Hamburg, FB Psychologie, Reviewer
- Kilian Foth (Doctorate, 2006), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Monika Hofmann (Doctorate, 2006), Univ. Hamburg, FB Sprachwissenschaften, Co-Supervisor with S. Kelter (Psychologie, TU Berlin)
- Mark Siebel (Habilitation, 2007), Univ. Hamburg, FB Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften, Committee
- Matthias Mayer (Doctorate, 2007), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Anette Freytag (Doctorate, 2008), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Benjamin Schnieder (Habilitation, 2009), Univ. Hamburg, FB Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften, Committee
- Mareile Knees (Doctorate, 2009), Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Philosophische Fakultät, Co-Supervisor with M. Schwarz
- Ronald Winnemöller (Doctorate, 2009), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Co-Supervisor with W. Menzel
- Thorsten Krebs (Doctorate, 2009), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Özgür Özçep (Doctorate, 2009), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Cengiz Acartürk (Doctorate, 2010), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Patrick McCrae (Doctorate, 2010), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Martha Yifiru Tachbelie (Doctorate, 2010), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Mohammed Elmogy (Doctorate, 2010), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Co-Supervisor with J. Zhang
- Kris Lohmann (Doctorate, 2013), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Claudia Wyrwoll (Promotion, 2014), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Reviewer
- Lars Braubach (Habilitation, 2014), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Committee
- Junlei Yu (Promotion, 2014), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Matthias Kerzel (Promotion, 2015), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Felix Lindner (Promotion, 2015), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor
- Özge Alaçam (Promotion, 2015), Univ. Hamburg, FB Informatik, Main Supervisor