The IRZ operates a central print server for all print jobs , because the printers are usually not directly accessible from the department network. The print server supplies the client depending on the operating system with the necessary information and drivers , so that when setting up a printer automatic configuration is done (eg standard paper size A3 or A4, installed duplexer default setting for double-sided printing , etc.). Currently, this is supported in the following operating systems :
- Windows XP up to Windows 8.1
- Linux/Unix
- Apple Mac OS X
You can find a list of all printers directly on the print server linux print ( only within the network of computer science ). The names of the printers are generally constructed as follows :
- Buildung on campus Stellingen or rz for IRZ
- Room number / location
- _sw oder _hp for monochrome printers
- _fa4 oder _fa3 for color printers A4 or A3
- f228_fa4 - Building F , Rroom 228 , A4 color printer
- d116_sw - Building D, room 116, monochrome printer
Other printing issues: Find out in the user consultation
When printing from a student user ID an accounting of print jobs in the course of printing cost sharing takes place . For more information see printing fees (in German).