Opening Hours and Users' Advice at IRZ
Computer labs (Pool)
The following opening hours apply until further notice:
Lecture Period | Sommer Holidays | |
03/04/2024 to 12/07/2024 | 15/07/2024 to 11/10/2024 | |
Monday - Thursday | 9:00 -20:00* | 9:00 -16:00* |
Friday | 9:00 - 19:00** | 9:00 - 15:00** |
* Unattended after 4 p.m. depending on staff presence.
** Unattended after 3 p.m. depending on staff presence.
The computer labs/pool and printing rooms are opened when work begins, thus frequently earlier than mentioned above. Closing hours depend on the working hours of the staff or student assistants. The IRZ is closed during public holidays and on weekends.
Under certain circumstances (e.g. maintenance, firm excursions, moveable holidays, staff meetings etc.), the hours may vary. Outside of semester dates, the computer labs on the ground floor of Building D are strictly closed.
Should computer labs or printing rooms be locked, please contact IRZ-staff (in D-107, or D-130 - D-133). To hold events in the computer labs outside of opening hours, please contact the IRZ-Management in advance. They will organize the availability of keys and agreements with the caretakers and security staff.
Advisory service
The IRZ offers regular Users‘ Advice in Rooms D130-134 and/or Room D124
(intermittently with student assistants) during the following hours:
Monday-Friday | 10:00-12:00 am., 13:00-15:00 pm. (or by appointment) |
The name of the currently available contact person is displayed on the noticeboard of Room D124 .
Users receive advice from IRZ’s academic staff; especially with regard to the software in use, how to clear faults, how to register projects and user id’s or with problems concerning the use of the IRZ’s computers.
Staff in room D107 (system maintenance) will assist with technical faults, however they cannot offer users’ advice.
The key interests of individual members of staff are listed under Headers.
During semester a student assistant will recurrently be available to answer problems concerning hardware or software operation in Room D124.
Operations control
In case of technical problems with the web, with computer work spaces, the printers or the multi-media facilities, please contact the staff in D107. Outside of normal working hours, student assistants may accept your applications and will pass these on to the appropriate specialist.
The opening hours correspond to those of the computer labs (pool).