MacOS X Software
Installed software on the iMacs in the Mac-pool (rooms D011-D013)
Operating system
Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave
Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Gimp, Graphic Converter, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign
Povray, Megapov
Adobe Reader, Preview
Programming languages / development tools
Gnu C/C++-Compiler, Java 11 SDK
Greenfoot, Scratch, BlueJ, Eclipse, Xcode, Aquamacs
Allegro Common Lisp, Dr Racket
Thunderbird, Apple Mail
iMovie, iPhoto, Garage Band, Garage Band Jam Packs, Main Stage 2
Quicktime Player, iTunes, iDVD
Only on rzmac26 and rzmac27 in room D012:
Final Cut Pro X, Motion, Compressor
Soundtrack Pro, DVD Studio Pro, Finale Allegro
Pages, Numbers, Keynote
Libre Office
MacTeX (TeXlive), TeXShop, LaTeXIt
Version control
Git, Mercurial, Subversion