SEMSCH: Semantic Methods for Computer-supported Writing Aids
Semantic Methods for Computer-supported Writing Aids
Semantic Methods for Computer-supported Writing Aids (SEMSCH) is a research project funded by German Research Foundation (DFG) for three years from June 2014. The project particularly
Acquisition of Semantic Similarity
The acquisition and utilization of semantic similarity in a semantic writing aid application can be achieved through different sources such as from structured data sources (Ontologies, thesauri, dictionaries, and semantic
Semantic similarities from structured sources
There are
- Prof. Chris Biemann, investigator
- Dr. Martin Riedl, research assistant
- Seid Muhie Yimam, research assistant
Publications (see publication page for PDFs)
- Yimam S. M., Biemann C. (2018): Demonstrating Par4Sem - A Semantic Writing Aid with Adaptive Paraphrasing. In Proceedings of 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2018). Brussels, Belgium.
- Yimam S. M., Biemann C. (2018): Par4Sim – Adaptive Paraphrasing for Text Simplification. In Proceedings of The 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2018). Santa Fe, New-Mexico, USA.
- Yimam S.M, Štajner S., Riedl M., Biemann C. (2017): CWIG3G2 - Complex Word Identification Task across Three Text Genres and Two User Groups. In Proceedings of The 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2017). Taipei, Taiwan
- Yimam S.M, Štajner S., Riedl Martin, Biemann C. (2017): Multilingual and Cross-Lingual Complex Word Identification. In Proceedings of The 2017 International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP). Varna, Bulgaria
- Yimam, S.M., Martínez Alonso, H., Riedl M. and Biemann, C. (2016): Learning Paraphrasing for Multiword Expressions. The 12th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2016), co-located with ACL 2016, Berlin, Germany
- Riedl M., Biemann C. (2016): Unsupervised Compound Splitting With Distributional Semantics Rivals Supervised Methods, In: Proceedings of the Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT 2016), San Diego, CA, USA
- Riedl M., Feuerbach T., Biemann C. (2016): Running into Brick Walls Attempting to Improve a Simple Unsupervised Parser, In: Proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016), Bochum, Germany
- Hintz, G. and Biemann, C. (2016): Language Transfer Learning for Supervised Lexical Substitution. ACL 2016 Main Session (full papers), Berlin, Germany
- Yimam, S.M. (2015): Narrowing the Loop: Integration of Resources and Linguistic Dataset Development with Interactive Machine Learning. NAACL 2015 Student Research Workshop, p. 88-95, Denver, CO, USA
- Feuerbach, T., Riedl, M., Biemann, C. (2015): Distributional Semantics for Resolving Bridging Mentions. Proceedings of RANLP-15, Hissar, Bulgaria
- Riedl M., Biemann C. (2015): A Single Word is not Enough: Ranking Multiword Expressions Using Distributional Semantics. In: Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2015). Lisboa, Portugal
- Riedl, M., Alles, I., Biemann, C. (2014): Combining Supervised and Unsupervised Parsing for Distributional Similarity. In Proceedings of COLING 2014. Dublin, Ireland