Photo: UHH/Denstorf

Dept. of Informatics

Office hours

Monday: 10-11 am and 1-3 pm
Tuesday: 10-12 am and 1-3 pm
Wednesday: 10-12 am and 1-3 pm
Thursday: 10-12 am and 1-3 pm
We are also available Mon-Fri by phone and e-mail.

The attendance days of the contact persons at the Academic Office vary and can be found under "Team Aacademc Office".
You can also contact us by phone, using the phone numbers under "Team". Please have a little patience if you do not get through immediatley. For any request, please also use the Academic Office's email address: studienbuero.inf"AT"


Universität Hamburg
Department of Informatics
Academic Office  (Studienbüro)
Vogt-Koelln-Straße 30
22527 Hamburg

e-mail: studienbuero.inf"AT"