guest accounts
In order to simplify the application process for the care of persons or conduct of the event the responsible staff is asked to send an email to the IRZ as early as possible ( at least 3 working days before) that contains the following information in tabular form :
- purpose of the presence or title of the event
- Period of presence / event
- Person in charge of at the Department of Informatics
- possibly special needs (resources)
- List of name (s) , first name (s) , valid email address
From this information, the necessary project data is produced, any necessary assignment of participants to project resources is made and application forms for the individuals are generated.
The applications with the current provisions of the User's Policy must for formal reasons each signed personally and must be returned to the IRZ before the user IDs and initial passwords can be used !
For events generated bundled forms are passed to the person who is responsible for the project and coordinates the forwarding and also the return of the signed applications to the IRZ.
- Early notification is particularly necessary when special resource requirements exist or tests must be performed.
- To make it easier for events with mixed participants, people with a valid Informatics user id should be highlighted separately in the above list and their user names should be listed.
- Alternative to the above method, you can still use the well-known project and user application forms , which are available from the IRZ.