Informatisches Kolloquium Kreutzer: Visual Progamming
Informatisches Colloquium Montag, 6. Dezember 1999, 17 Uhr c.t. Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal |
Prof. Wolfgang Kreutzer Computer Science Department, University of Canterbury, New Zealand |
"Are Pictures only for Weak Minds ?", or "What may Visual Progamming be good for ?" |
The term "visual language" refers to notations which employ
spatial metaphors to express "meaning". While general purpose
visual programming tools have not been used widely, languages
for specific domains (e.g. simulation) or particular classes
of users (e.g. children) have become quite successful. Based on the role of abstraction in problem solving, the talk surveys the conceptual roots of visual programming. Within this context it demonstrates and discusses strengths and limitations of some representative tools and identifies interesting issues for further research. |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Page Telefon 040 - 42883 2426 |
Prof. Dr. W. v. Hahn (vhahn"AT" |