Informatics VPN on Debian Linux
Accoss to the Informatics VPN server on current Debian distributions (as of Debian 12) direkt über die Netzeinstellungen möglich. You have to install two additional packages to use the network protocol L2TP:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install network-manager-l2tp network-manager-l2tp-gnome
Go to Settings → Network. Click on the '+' sign on the right side of "VPN" to configure a new VPN conenction. Choose as connection type "Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)".
Add to the tab Identitiy:
Name: is for you to choose, e.g. Informatik-VPN
- General
- Gateway:
- User Authentication
- User name: your Informatics account, e.g.
Password: your password; can be left emty and will then be asked for at connection time,
Click on IPSec Settings… and configure:
- Check ☑
Enable IPsec tunnel to L2TP host
- Machine Authentication
- Type:
Pre-shared Key (PSK)
Pre-Shared Key: - Advanced
- Phase 1 Algorithms:
Phase 2 Algorithms:3des-sha1
Click on PPP Settings… and configure:
- Authentication
- Allow the following authentication methods:
Check ☑MSCHAPv2
- Security and Compression
- Check ☑
Use Point-to-Point encryption (MPPE)
set Security to128-bit (most secure)
and check ☑Allow stateful encryption
- Check ☑
Allow BSD data compression
Check ☑Allow Deflate data compression
Check ☑Use TCP header compression
Configure the tab IPv4:
- IPv4 Method
- Check ☑
Automatic (DHCP)
Klick on Apply.
For incomprehensible reasons, these settings do not work the first time. You have to change something and save it again (and take it back if necessary) before it actually works.